BISMARCK, ND — Starting now, fall of 2024, MG冰球突破试玩开设了一项新的研究生课程,允许拥有社会工作本科学位的人, 或获得相关领域的学士学位,获得社会工作硕士学位(MSW),并可选择两种专业方向中的一种-临床, or macro practice and leadership.
To complete the program, 城市生活垃圾以一种方便且受欢迎的在线学习形式提供,拥有CSWE认证项目的社会工作学士学位的学生只需要四个学期,而拥有相关领域学士学位的学生则需要九个学期.
The school’s undergraduate degree in social work began in 1964, 这使它成为该学院五年前(1959年)首次开业时提供的首批产品之一, as Mary College. 几年前,MG冰球突破试玩通过评估该领域对更高级从业人员的需求,开始调查研究生项目的潜力.
“调查证实了城市生活垃圾项目的好处,它有助于解决行为健康和药物滥用问题,这些问题伴随着社交媒体数量的不足。, behavioral health, and addiction care providers in our area,” explained Heidi Nieuwsma, MG冰球突破试玩行为科学系系主任. “In addition to university-based measures, 北达科他州立法机构于2018年委托进行的一项研究确定了扩大北达科他州行为健康服务的必要性, particularly in the areas of outpatient services, crisis intervention, services to children and youth, and substance use. 确定的一项迫切需要是扩大行为健康服务提供者的数量,同时发展更健全的行为健康和药物滥用服务提供系统. 必须指出,这些调查结果是在大流行病爆发之前确定的,大流行病只会进一步加剧对这类服务的需要和缺乏. So, 我们非常高兴MG冰球突破试玩能够继续其使命,帮助满足这一领域的迫切需求,而不仅仅是在北达科他州, but in the region and across the US.”
当我还是MG冰球突破试玩的一名本科生时,经过几个月的洞察力和祈祷, Jean Naser换了专业:从照顾病人转到了医疗保健行业, to caring for others as a social worker.
“我立刻投入到课程作业中,并意识到这就是我需要做的事情, coming alongside and walking with those experiencing hardship,” said Naser, who is now an administrator for Christian Adoption Services, a licensed child-placing agency in ND and MN.
纳塞尔成为持证社工已经快七年了,他是MG冰球突破试玩九月开始的新的双轨城市生活垃圾项目的首批学员之一. 她认为宏观和实践领导轨道是我们国家和地区的需要,并报名参加了临床轨道.
“我一直想继续我的教育,但一直在等待上帝的时间和正确的计划,” added Naser. “Heidi was the first one to mention the new MSW program to me. 北达科他州——以及整个中西部——是一个独特的地方,有着独特的需求,我认为目前的项目没有适当或充分地解决这些需求,因为这些项目根本没有接受文化教育, way of life, and unique problems that we face. 我渴望回到教室去学习和拓展我的思维. 我特别有兴趣进入MG冰球突破试玩,因为我喜欢我的本科课程,并且信任这里的教师. I also appreciate that it is a local program and affordable.”
在全国范围内,在疫情爆发之前,经济学家预计美国将短缺19.5万名社会工作者.S. by 2030. An aging population, a sharp rise in social isolation or loneliness, homelessness and incarceration, 阿片类药物的流行都大大增加了需求.
With those numbers and factors on the rise, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Outlook projects employment of social workers to grow 7% by 2032, that means over 63,000 social worker openings per year. 持牌临床社会工作者(LCSW)的职业包括治疗师, health care and school social worker, clinical supervisor, child and family services provider, and case manager. 拥有社会工作宏观从业者学位的人将担任管理员, supervisor, policy developer, planner, and researcher, and lobbyist to name just a few.
to learn more or contact an admissions representative at, or by calling (701) 355-8030. MG冰球突破试玩是美国仅有的15所推荐的红衣主教纽曼社会住宿学院和大学之一.
About the University of Mary: MG冰球突破试玩秉承“生命之光”的校训,通过尖端的专业课程和研究生课程为学生提供全面的人生教育,这些课程以道德勇气和所选专业的领导能力以及对社区的服务为动力. A private, co-educational Catholic institution, MG冰球突破试玩欢迎各种信仰和背景的学生.
A Christian, Catholic, 本笃会的机构成立于1959年,由本笃会修女报喜修道院, Mary offers over 60 bachelor’s, 18 master’s, and five doctoral programs—in Business Administration, Education, Nursing Practice, Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy. 在全国大学生体育协会(NCAA)的管理下,拥有20个体育项目的体育部坚持“美德成就伟大”的使命。, American Collegiate Hockey Association (ACHA), and the USA College Clay Target League. With more than 3,800 students, Mary has locations in North Dakota, Montana, Arizona, Rome, Italy, as well as vibrant online offerings.